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J. Villard, P. Piantanida and S. Shamai
"Secure Transmission of Sources over Noisy Channels with Side Information at the Receivers"
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 713-739, 2014
This paper investigates the problem of source-channel coding for secure transmission with arbitrarily correlated side informations at both receivers.
This scenario consists of an encoder (referred to as Alice) that wishes to compress a source and send it through a noisy channel to a legitimate receiver (referred to as Bob).
In this context, Alice must simultaneously satisfy the desired requirements on the distortion level at Bob, and the equivocation rate at the eavesdropper (referred to as Eve).
This setting can be seen as a generalization of the problems of secure source coding with (uncoded) side information at the decoders, and the wiretap channel.
A general outer bound on the rate-distortion-equivocation region, as well as an inner bound based on a pure digital scheme, is derived for arbitrary channels and side informations.
In some special cases of interest, it is proved that this digital scheme is optimal and that separation holds.
However, it is also shown through a simple counterexample with a binary source that a pure analog scheme can outperform the digital one while being optimal.
According to these observations and assuming matched bandwidth, a novel hybrid digital/analog scheme that aims to gather the advantages of both digital and analog ones is then presented.
In the quadratic Gaussian setup when side information is only present at the eavesdropper, this strategy is proved to be optimal.
Furthermore, it outperforms both digital and analog schemes, and cannot be achieved via time-sharing.
By means of an appropriate coding, the presence of any statistical difference among the side informations, the channel noises, and the distortion at Bob can be fully exploited in terms of secrecy.
author = {Villard, J. and Piantanida, P. and Shamai, S.},
title = {Secure Transmission of Sources over Noisy Channels with Side Information at the Receivers},
journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory},
year = {2014},
volume = {60},
number = {1},
pages = {713--739},
url = {}
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J. Villard and P. Piantanida
"Secure Multiterminal Source Coding with Side Information at the Eavesdropper"
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 3668-3692, 2013
The problem of secure multiterminal source coding with side information at the eavesdropper is investigated.
This scenario consists of a main encoder (referred to as Alice) that wishes to compress a single source but simultaneously satisfying the desired requirements on the distortion level at a legitimate receiver (referred to as Bob) and the equivocation rate --average uncertainty-- at an eavesdropper (referred to as Eve).
It is further assumed the presence of a (public) rate-limited link between Alice and Bob.
In this setting, Eve perfectly observes the information bits sent by Alice to Bob and has also access to a correlated source which can be used as side information.
A second encoder (referred to as Charlie) helps Bob in estimating Alice's source by sending a compressed version of its own correlated observation via a (private) rate-limited link, which is only observed by Bob.
For instance, the problem at hands can be seen as the unification between the Berger-Tung and the secure source coding setups.
Inner and outer bounds on the so called rates-distortion-equivocation region are derived.
The inner region turns to be tight for two cases: (i) uncoded side information at Bob and (ii) lossless reconstruction of both sources at Bob --secure distributed lossless compression.
Application examples to secure lossy source coding of Gaussian and binary sources in the presence of Gaussian and binary/ternary (resp.) side informations are also considered.
Optimal coding schemes are characterized for some cases of interest where the statistical differences between the side information at the decoders and the presence of a non-zero distortion at Bob can be fully exploited to guarantee secrecy.
author = {Villard, J. and Piantanida, P.},
title = {Secure Multiterminal Source Coding with Side Information at the Eavesdropper},
journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory},
year = {2013},
volume = {59},
number = {6},
pages = {3668--3692},
url = {}
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J. Villard and P. Bianchi
"High-Rate Vector Quantization for the Neyman-Pearson Detection of Correlated Processes"
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 5387-5409, 2011
This paper investigates the effect of quantization on the performance of the Neyman-Pearson test.
It is assumed that a sensing unit observes samples of a correlated stationary ergodic multivariate process.
Each sample is passed through an N-point quantizer and transmitted to a decision device which performs a binary hypothesis test.
For any false alarm level, it is shown that the miss probability of the Neyman-Pearson test converges to zero exponentially as the number of samples tends to infinity, assuming that the observed process satisfies certain mixing conditions.
The main contribution of this paper is to provide a compact closed-form expression of the error exponent in the high-rate regime i.e., when the number N of quantization levels tends to infinity, generalizing previous results of Gupta and Hero to the case of non-independent observations.
If d represents the dimension of one sample, it is proved that the error exponent converges at rate N^{2/d} to the one obtained in the absence of quantization.
As an application, relevant high-rate quantization strategies which lead to a large error exponent are determined.
Numerical results indicate that the proposed quantization rule can yield better performance than existing ones in terms of detection error.
author = {Villard, J. and Bianchi, P.},
title = {High-Rate Vector Quantization for the {Neyman-Pearson} Detection of Correlated Processes},
journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory},
year = {2011},
volume = {57},
number = {8},
pages = {5387--5409},
url = {}
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J. Villard, P. Piantanida and S. Shamai
"Secure Transmission of a Gaussian Source over Gaussian Channels with Side Information"
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2012),
Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 1-6, 2012
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J. Villard, P. Piantanida and S. Shamai
"Hybrid Digital/Analog Schemes for Secure Transmission with Side Information"
IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2011),
Paraty, Brazil, October 16-20, 2011 (invited paper)
Recent results on source-channel coding for secure transmission show that separation holds in several cases under some less-noisy conditions.
However, it has also been proved through a simple counterexample that pure analog schemes can be optimal and hence outperform digital ones.
According to these observations and assuming matched-bandwidth, we present a novel hybrid digital/analog scheme that aims to gather the advantages of both digital and analog ones. In the quadratic Gaussian setup when side information is only present at the eavesdropper, this strategy is proved to be optimal. Furthermore, it outperforms both digital and analog schemes and cannot be achieved via time-sharing. An application example to binary symmetric sources with side information is also investigated.
author = {Villard, J. and Piantanida, P. and Shamai, S.},
booktitle={Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2011 IEEE},
title = {Hybrid Digital/Analog Schemes for Secure Transmission with Side Information},
year = {2011},
pages = {678--682}
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J. Villard and P. Piantanida
"Codage de source sous contrainte de sécurité avec information adjacente aux récepteurs"
23eme Colloque du GRETSI (GRETSI 2011),
Bordeaux, France, 5-8 Septembre, 2011
Cet article traite du codage de source sous contrainte de sécurité avec information adjacente aux récepteurs.
Un noeud (Alice) souhaite compresser et transmettre une source à un autre noeud (Bob), qui possède une information adjacente, corrélée à la source.
La communication entre Alice et Bob est réalisée à travers un lien sans erreur à débit limité.
Un noeud espion (Ève), qui possède également une information adjacente, corrélée à la source, écoute (parfaitement) ce lien.
Dans ce contexte, Alice souhaite à la fois permettre à Bob d'estimer la source avec une faible distorsion, et révéler le minimum d'information à Ève.
Une caractérisation complète de la région débit-distorsion-incertitude est fournie dans le cas d'informations adjacentes arbitrairement corrélées.
Quelques cas particuliers et un exemple dans le cas de sources binaires sont également étudiés.
Il est montré que les différences statistiques entre les informations adjacentes ainsi que la distorsion tolérée peuvent être pleinement utilisées pour accroître la sécurité.
author = {Villard, J. and Piantanida, P.},
booktitle={Actes du GRETSI},
title = {Codage de source sous contrainte de sécurité avec information adjacente aux récepteurs},
year = {2011}
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J. Villard and P. Bianchi
"Quantification vectorielle haute résolution pour la détection de processus stationnaires"
23eme Colloque du GRETSI (GRETSI 2011),
Bordeaux, France, 5-8 Septembre, 2011
Cet article traite de la quantification haute résolution pour la détection de processus stationnaires.
Dans le contexte des réseaux de capteurs sans fil, il s'agit de détecter la présence d'un signal à partir des mesures d'un grand nombre de capteurs, préalablement rassemblées à un Centre de Fusion (CF).
La présence de liens sans fil imparfaits requiert que les données soient quantifiées avant leur transmission au CF.
Le but de ces travaux est d'une part de déterminer l'impact d'une telle quantification sur les performances du système (en termes de détection, mesurées via l'exposant d'erreur) et, d'autre part, de proposer des règles de quantification qui minimisent cet impact.
Il est démontré que la probabilité de manque du test de Neyman-Pearson converge exponentiellement vers zéro, quand le nombre de capteurs tend vers l'infini et le taux de fausse alarme est fixé.
Sous certaines hypothèses, valides pour une large classe de processus stationnaires à valeurs vectorielles, nous fournissons une expression compacte de la dégradation de l'exposant d'erreur due à la quantification dans le régime des hautes résolutions.
A partir ce cette expression, nous déterminons des stratégies de quantification appropriées qui permettent de réduire cette dégradation.
author = {Villard, J. and Bianchi, P.},
booktitle={Actes du GRETSI},
title = {Quantification vectorielle haute résolution pour la détection de processus stationnaires},
year = {2011}
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J. Villard, P. Piantanida and S. Shamai
"Secure Lossy Source-Channel Wiretapping with Side Information at the Receiving Terminals"
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2011),
Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 31-August 5, 2011
The problem of secure lossy source-channel wiretapping
with arbitrarily correlated side informations at both
receivers is investigated. This scenario consists of an encoder
(referred to as Alice) that wishes to compress a source and send
it through a noisy channel to a legitimate receiver (referred
to as Bob). In this context, Alice must simultaneously satisfy
the desired requirements on the distortion level at Bob, and
the equivocation rate at the eavesdropper (referred to as Eve).
This setting can be seen as a generalization of the conventional
problems of secure source coding with side information at the
decoders, and the wiretap channel. Inner and outer bounds on
the rate-distortion-equivocation region for the case of arbitrary
channels and side informations are derived. In some special cases
of interest, it is shown that separation holds. By means of an appropriate
coding, the presence of any statistical difference among
the side informations, the channel noises, and the distortion at
Bob can be fully exploited in terms of secrecy.
author = {Villard, J. and Piantanida, P. and Shamai, S.},
booktitle={Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on},
title = {Secure Lossy Source-Channel Wiretapping with Side Information at the Receiving Terminals},
year = {2011},
pages = {1141--1145},
url = {}
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J. Villard and P. Piantanida
"Secure Distributed Lossless Compression with Side Information at the Eavesdropper"
1st International ICST Workshop on Secure Wireless Networks (Securenets 2011),
Cachan, France, May 20, 2011 (invited paper)
This paper investigates the problem of secure distributed lossless compression in the presence of arbitrarily correlated side information at an eavesdropper.
This scenario consists of two encoders (referred to as Alice and Charlie) that wish to reliably transmit their respective (correlated) sources to a legitimate receiver (referred to as Bob) while satisfying some requirement on the equivocation rate at the eavesdropper (referred to as Eve).
Error-free rate-limited channels are assumed between the encoders and the legitimate receiver, one of which being perfectly observed by the eavesdropper, which also has access to a correlated source as side information.
For instance, this problem can be seen as a generalization of the well-known Slepian-Wolf problem taking into account the security requirements.
A complete characterization of the compression-equivocation rates region for the case of arbitrarily correlated sources is derived.
It is shown that the statistical differences between the sources can be useful in terms of secrecy.
author = {Villard, J. and Piantanida, P.},
booktitle={Secure Wireless Networks (Securenets), 2011 1st International ICST Workshop on},
title = {Secure Distributed Lossless Compression with Side Information at the Eavesdropper},
year = {2011},
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J. Villard and P. Piantanida
"Secure Lossy Source Coding with Side Information at the Decoders"
48th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton 2010),
Monticello, Illinois, USA, September 28-October 1, 2010
This paper investigates the problem of secure lossy source coding
in the presence of an eavesdropper with arbitrary correlated side informations
at the legitimate decoder (referred to as Bob) and the eavesdropper (referred to as Eve).
This scenario consists of an encoder that wishes to compress a source
to satisfy the desired requirements on:
(i) the distortion level at Bob and
(ii) the equivocation rate at Eve.
It is assumed that the decoders have access to correlated sources as side information.
For instance, this problem can be seen as a generalization of the well-known
Wyner-Ziv problem taking into account the security requirements.
A complete characterization of the rate-distortion-equivocation region
for the case of arbitrary correlated side informations at the decoders is derived.
Several special cases of interest and an application example to secure lossy source
coding of binary sources in the presence of binary and ternary side informations are also
considered. It is shown that the statistical differences between the side information
at the decoders and the presence of non-zero distortion at the legitimate decoder
can be useful in terms of secrecy. Applications of these results arise
in a variety of distributed sensor network scenarios.
author = {Villard, J. and Piantanida, P.},
booktitle={Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2010 48th Annual Allerton Conference on},
title = {Secure Lossy Source Coding with Side Information at the Decoders},
year = {2010},
pages = {733--739},
url = {}
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J. Villard and P. Bianchi
"High-Rate Vector Quantization for the Neyman-Pearson Detection of Some Stationary Mixing Processes"
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2010),
Austin, Texas, USA, June 13-18, 2010
This paper investigates the decentralized detection of spatially correlated processes
using the Neyman-Pearson test.
We consider a network formed by a large number of sensors, each of them observing a
random data vector. Sensors’ observations are non-independent,
but form a stationary process verifying mixing conditions.
Each vector-valued observation is quantized before being transmitted
to a fusion center which makes the final decision.
For any false alarm level, it is shown that the miss probability of the
Neyman-Pearson test converges to zero exponentially as the number of sensors tends to infinity.
A compact closed-form expression of the error exponent is provided in the high-rate regime
i.e., when fine quantization is applied.
As an application, our results allow to determine relevant quantization strategies
which lead to large error exponents.
author = {Villard, J. and Bianchi, P.},
booktitle={Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2010 IEEE International Symposium on},
title = {High-Rate Vector Quantization for the {Neyman-Pearson} Detection of Some Stationary Mixing Processes},
year = {2010},
pages = {1608--1612},
url = {}
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J. Villard, P. Bianchi, E. Moulines and P. Piantanida
"High-Rate Quantization for the Neyman-Pearson Detection of Hidden Markov Processes"
IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2010),
Cairo, Egypt, January 6-8, 2010
This paper investigates the decentralized detection of Hidden Markov Processes
using the Neyman-Pearson test. We consider a network formed by a large number
of distributed sensors. Sensors' observations are noisy snapshots of a Markov process
to be detected. Each (real) observation is quantized on log2(N) bits before being transmitted
to a fusion center which makes the final decision. For any false alarm level, it is shown
that the miss probability of the Neyman-Pearson test converges to zero exponentially as
the number of sensors tends to infinity. The error exponent is provided using recent
results on Hidden Markov Models. In order to obtain informative expressions of the error
exponent as a function of the quantization rule, we further investigate the case where
the number N of quantization levels tends to infinity, following the approach developed in
[Gupta & Hero, 2003].
In this regime, we provide the quantization rule maximizing
the error exponent. Illustration of our results is provided in the case of the detection of a
Gauss-Markov signal in noise. In terms of error exponent, the proposed quantization rule
significantly outperforms the one proposed by
[Gupta & Hero, 2003]
for i.i.d. observations.
author = {Villard, J. and Bianchi, P. and Moulines, E. and Piantanida, P.},
booktitle={Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2010 IEEE},
title = {High-Rate Quantization for the {Neyman-Pearson} Detection of Hidden {Markov} Processes},
year = {2010},
pages = {277--281},
url = {}
"Task-Oriented Source Coding: Secure Transmission, Detection"
Ph.D. defense, Supelec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
"Quantification haute résolution pour la détection de processus stationnaires"
Gretsi 2011, Bordeaux, France
"Transmission sous contrainte de sécurité avec information adjacente aux récepteurs"
Gretsi 2011, Bordeaux, France
"Secure Lossy Source Channel Wiretapping with Side Information at the Receiving Terminals"
ISIT 2011, Saint Petersburg, Russia
"Secure Multiterminal Source Coding with Side Information at the Eavesdropper"
Securenets 2011, Cachan, France
"Codage de source avec contraintes de sécurité"
Journée DGA Recherche et Innovation Scientifiques, Ecole Militaire, Paris, France
"Secure Lossy Source Coding with Side Information at the Decoders"
Journée des doctorants E3S, Supélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
"Secure Lossy Source Coding with Side Information at the Decoders"
Allerton 2010, Monticello, Illinois, USA
"High-Rate Vector Quantization for the Neyman-Pearson Detection of Some Stationary Mixing Processes"
ISIT 2010, Austin, Texas, USA
"High-Rate Quantization for the Neyman-Pearson Detection of Hidden Markov Processes"
ITW 2010, Cairo, Egypt
"Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks"
Séminaire des doctorants TSI/STA, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France
"Estimation-detection in wireless sensor networks"
Journée des doctorants L2S, Supélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France